If you have any questions about shopping online with TEMPUR, you can call us on the number below, please check our FAQ page before calling as it may save you some time.
- To get product information
- To place an order
- To progress an existing order, you can find your order details in the My Account section
- Ask about shipping or delivery
- Ask about cleaning your mattress, see our Care and Maintenance
- To request an Information pack or a sample of our TEMPUR Material
- Change your contact details, so we can keep in contact with you
- Unsubscribe from our marketing program, see our Privacy Policy
- Warranty* registration, you can register your warranty* online here
By Phone
Customer Service / Business Enquiries: 9026 0152 (phone & whatsapp)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm
TEMPUR Experiential Centre (Tan Boon Liat Building): 6588 6308
Daily, 11am - 8pm
TEMPUR Sleep Sanctuary (Nassim Road): 6262 0898
Daily, 11am - 8pm
TEMPUR Sleep Boutique (Martin Road): 6933 7668
Daily, 11am - 8pm
TEMPUR Sleep Retreat (IMM): 6261 3357
Daily, 11am - 9pm
TEMPUR Sleep Arcadia (Plaza Singapura): 6251 0148
Daily, 11am - 9pm
TEMPUR Sleep Genesis (i12 Katong): 6290 6838
Daily, 11am - 9pm
By Email
For Customer Service / Product Enquiries:
Dan-Foam ApS
TEMPUR Singapore Pte Ltd is a subsidiary of Dan-Foam ApS, a company incorporated under the laws of Denmark with its registered office at: Address: Holmelund 43, 5560 Aarup, Denmark
This website is operated by TEMPUR Singapore Pte Ltd.